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Saturday, March 24, 2007

UG @ Timbre

A simple meetup between 2 members (i.e. Qi and Geo) of the group, plus an innocent catalyst (i.e. Fang) always evolved into a full group (i.e. UG) gathering somewhere.

That of course is insufficient without a procastinator in action (that's yours truly) and several "death" threats from Ting,

"Wah lau, the whole group is here lor. Except for YOU!!!"


Our initial plan to go Rain (some ktv pub) to finish up that half bottle of Chivas didn't came through. And my dear friends were kind enough to go somewhere near SMU 'cause Collin and I were there trying to make me do my essay (double sigh). But I think it is also because they know I wouldn't go if it is somewhere not within walking distance.

So anyway, we ended up at Timbre and I like the place and the lead singer (because he has really angular jaws) and the thin crust pizza (oooh) minus the ants and the mosquitoes.

Everything was the usual. Great chill out session with my favourite people. And a "sibei boliao (in Sam's words)" game between Meiqi (ok, i really rather call you this than 'Qi') and I.

PROJECT S rocks my socks!
(Meiqi!!!! Socks! Sock! Stock! Stocked! Stockings! Stalk! Stalked! Stalking!) Erhem. I can't help it. Hahahahaha.

We are ostracised! Only 3 of us are on this Side of the table.

The other Side of the table, along with Ting and Sam.
That's Six of them.

The couples. :)

(Meiqi! We are reserving a Space for you,
with a much better guy that will come along slowly but surely!)

Shamelessly affectionate folks. Heh.

Random pointless Shots - courtesy of Ting

Joe actually looks quite cute when he's not doing his all funny expressions.

I don't know why I feel motherly in this Shot.

OMG! I have Scheming friends!! Mq likes to lean back to make her head looks Smaller, which effectively made my head 1.5 times bigger than hers in this Shot. -_-"

I tried to lean back on the Second attempt and it caused me to have double chin. Eekksss. I don't know which one is worst - double chin or bigger head. Mq, Scheming!

While I have Some Scheming friends (wahaha), most of my friends are nice.

Some pretend to be nice. Then...

'Nuff Said. Haha.

See you guys at Rain next to finish that Chivas. :)

OH! A final S.


P.S. My Casio served me well last night. Didn't have to do any tweaking on all the above photos. Maybe it knows I am gonna replaced it with a new one soon. (Still trying to convince myself that Fujifilm is not THAT ugly. If I get a Canon or Sony, you can call me shallow.)


QI said...

Splendid! Sordid! Spectacular! Strange! Strangle! Struggle! Suffer! Surprising! Superstar! Superb! Salute! Salutations! Satire! Slapstick! Sir! Stain! Saddle! Straddle! Surge! Surgery! Saturn! Special! Strike! Striking! Struck! September! S.H.E! Spongebob! and to complete this "sibeh-boliao" comment - SPAARRTTTAAAAANNNNN!!

Unknown said...

i am here to drop my name. lalalala. - XIANG!

sindy said...

OMG OiMIN!!!!!

can u imagine!!!

the person i spotted at clementi on tues evening, she is wearing kind of the same carpenter wear u are wearing in this post!!!!

and that person got patches of red in her hair also..

and her hair is tied up exactly the way u are tying it up here.

she was carrying a bag with big cardpaper rolled up in it.

im starting to feel very very freaked out.

-scaredified sissy-

min said...

I am starting to freak out too. I was wearing a different grey pinafore and tied my hair the same way that day.

I still have my red streaks and I am carrying a big pink bag which a piece of brown paper rolled up in it.

Freaking hell. I think you really saw me lar.

I was walking along the Cheese Prata Shop. You saw me there is it!?

Sindy said...

yahhhhh... clementi there...

but i called u immediately but u were in sch?!

i think u got a twin out there somewhere!!!!

min said...

Haha. I was walking along the prata shop larrr. Think u saw me!

I consider that part of school you know. :)

min said...

Eh, Xiang! Hi!! :)