Wednesday, February 28, 2007
playing the devil's advocate
you either make it or break it.
it's difficult when I can't read things.
because skepticism always gets the better of me.
that's only because it is better to face up to things
than to be in denial that life is picture perfect.
make it?
break it?
Saturday, February 24, 2007
this funny thing called love.
'cause we are afraid to lose something
- but because we do
- we lose it.
sometimes we hang on too loose
'cause we are afraid to fall too deep
and hence getting hurt
- but because we do
- we lose it.
sometimes we just want to let go
to protect, to preempt
- but because we do
- we lose it.
Meng told me it is easy to fall in love, but difficult to maintain love. I think love is about striking a balance - a hypersensitive scale that tips whenever one party falls into negligence.
In my opinion,
the 1st case is silly,
the 2nd is sad and
the 3rd foolish.
Which one are you?
Or is it that the circle has
lost the will to expand
so as to accomodate the squareness?
Or has the circle forgotten
to appreciate the differences
of the squareness in the first place?
I crave some romance in my life.
or is it too much to ask for?
Friday, February 23, 2007
Happy 20-something to me!
From this day on, I have officially join the "20something" club and my age's a secret. On hindsight, I wonder what I've accomplished in the past 20-something years of my life.
Well, just last year, I finally own a dog whom I love lots.
The same year, i.e. 2006, I started Little Red Heels with Xiang.
3 years ago, I got into a university that I so want to get out of now.
5 years ago, I got to know a bunch of really cool classmates at AJ.
7 years ago, I got into a relationship which is still going strong now.
9 years ago, I pledged a lifelong friendship to my very much loved UG.
And of course, my family and those who love me and whom I didn't love back enough for my past 20something years.
Now that doesn't seem so bad. My biggest accomplishment is growing into the kind of person I am today. (So it is just too bad if you don't like me.)
Let's do something interactive here. Heh. I don't know if much people reads this blog anymore but it will really be nice if you leave a comment stating one or more adjectives describing me, in YOUR opinion. (Leave leh, treat it as my lil birthday, erm, present, you stingy face. Heh, I am joking la, I love youuu.)
My birthday wish this year isn't any different from all others. It's my birthday resolution that has a larger significance. Here's it.

And this is what I hope for before 2008 arrives.

See, it doesn't have to be a perfect fit. But at least to pack things up, to feel a lot more in control and to know exactly what I want.
Heh. I must be experiencing some form of one-fifth life crisis. *smile*
Anyhow, birthday is boring this year 'cause I am stuck with two freaking essays which is due immediately after term break. (This means I shouldn't be blogging now really, nor launching a new series on LRH that needs much attending to.)
I spent the first hours of my birthday playing mahjong at Collin's house, with Hongchoo and Sooting. Heh. That's my first chocolate truffles cake of the day (from Secret Recipe).
Slept in till about 3pm (*goodness). Then had my 2nd round of chocolate truffles cake (from The Royal) with my sis and Jaime.
Lastly, following the rhythm of the entire day, we had Subway for dinner. Collin got me a denim jacket from Buffalo which is too big so we'll probably need to go back and exchange for something else. Thanks anyhow, darling.
Pardon me for looking very out-of-bed in all the pictures above. I told you it's a very boring birthday. No dressing up or whatsoever.
So that's it. Happy 20something to me. *bored out*
P.S. My phone has been sent to the repair. So pardon me if I didn't reply your very sweeeeet and kind smses 'cause I am kinda phoneless at the moment. It's really nice to be remembered anyhow. Thank you thank you thank you. Loads of love. :)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
stupid stupid stupid
sometimes the girlfriend don't want to think rationally nor reasonably, the girlfriend just want the boyfriend to give in and say something nice instead of flaring up himself.
BGRs are stupid.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Happy CNY!
This CNY can get more boring. Visited random houses, played a few games of blackjack and basically grew sick at the sight of cny goodies. Bleah.
It is proven that oxens shouldn't be doing any sort of gambling this year. The only game I won some buckaroos was at Geo's house where the oxens play amongst themselves. So that became more like a game of who's more unlucky. The rest of the games I won nothing (and lost almost nothing) despite the few hours of play. Like huh.
Call me a whiner. The two essays that is due right after term break isn't making things better really.
Gimme a breakieeee. I am in a constant need of getaways.
Escape. Nope. Face it.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Life these days goes completely against the meaning of this blog address. Collin and I are both so busy that we haven't had time to plan for V-day, or even buy each other presents. As a matter of fact, I didn't even think of what to get for him for V-day.
Sigh sigh sigh.
My only escapade is in indulging in my lil world of photoshopping. (Yes, even littleredheels stresses me out as much as I enjoy doing it.) I like the feeling of empowerment and creating something that uniquely mine.
Anyhow, I showed Collin the half done blogskin and vain boy thinks he looks ugly in the picture above (which I secretly agree, he got an or-ba-ka on his left eye). So he selected another picture and like it so much that I made a wallpaper out of it.
Here's another word(s) that I like alot - sui generis.
P.S.: Just a random addendum. I always thought Collin and I are complementary in many ways. He likes all the food I don't like (e.g. beef, potatoes, egg yolk), and I like all the food he doesn't like (e.g. cheese, egg white). He is a super realist and me an all-time idealist. Even when it comes to English, I know a lot more words than he does and while he do not understand those words, he is able to pronounce them effortlessly and I can't (I am real bad at figuring pronunciations).
Sometimes I wonder if we are indeed complementary or simply polar opposites. Time will tell. Right now, we are happily happity do!
P.P.S.: Yes, is my bible. Thank God for its pronounciation function. :)
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Reminiscene: AJ days
(On the first day of school, I told my classmates Collin and I were twins and they actually believed it. Heh.)
And yes, I clipped his hair. I remember having an obsession with hair clips then and had them in a complete rainbow collection (and of different sizes).
Actually, I have an obsession with having things in all sorts of colours - like I used to have at least 15 "CLEAN COLOR" markers (those markers with 2 tips at its ends and come in all kinds of pretty shades).
That was JC. And when I finally became a Topshop person, I "collected" their singlets and racer-backs, and have at least ten pieces of them.
Crazy. At least I've outgrown those days.
These days, variety rocks my socks.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
A freaking cockcroach just crawled on my right leg.
Friday, February 9, 2007
the blog skin is still under construction so bear with it till I have more time at hand.
i am not supposed to procastinate important matters remember?
self discipline. prioritising. urg.
it's an uphill path ahead.
Procastinate no more.
I've just burn a few hundreds due to my procastination.
I am also opting out of the family trip this coming CNY 'cause I can't finish the huge amount of work at hand. :(
Every week, I burn a few tens of dollars on cabbing so that I won't turn up too late for classes.
I never learned.
Let's start trying to change.
Like real efforts.
This 2007 will be a rocking one! :)
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Pendulum no more.
My thoughts sway like a pendulum. Some days I feel strongly that I should go for honours, others I feel like throwing in the towel and want to just freaking stop being such a IN CASE person.
Today, it dawned upon me that perhaps I shouldn't give it TOO much of a thought and just let nature takes it course. I supposed the answer will be apparent when the time comes. :)
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
finally shifted :)
First, ilovetoshop became iLURVEtoshop (which proves to be a major faux pas).
Then a simple "carpe diem" became carpe-diem7, simply because neither carpediem nor carpe-diem is available. End up having to insert my favourite number, i.e. 7, at the end of the phrase. Oh wells, at least it's much better than urps, lurve. *blushes
New blog url means a new blogskin. Will get cracking, erm, soon.
Till then, loveeeee.