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Sunday, April 15, 2007


I have shifted (again).


See you there! :)

Love love,

Monday, April 9, 2007

F*cking get lost.

F*cking pissed.

Stop f*cking irritate me, acting like you did work when all you give me is f*cking shit.

Stop f*cking tell me what to do, because I know better and yes, I do it better.

Stop f*cking throw bombs at me 8 hours before our presentation when it is your f*cking job, not mine, and for all you know, I'll probably did 90% of this entire project.

Please, however, go back to your country and get out of my sight.

Thank goodness this entire project will end within 12 hours but don't f*cking think I'll be nice 'cause I'm so going to f*ck you guys upside down this time.

PS. I am not usually like that. No, I correct myself, I am never like that. I am always ms politically correct and relax-let-it-go. But f*ck, you really pissed me off this time. Grr.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

UG @ Rain (again)

I am supposed to be (i) mailing my customers, (ii) working on my project, (iii) finishing my general bio assignment, or at the very least, (iv) having my lunch.

But here I am doing what I do best, distracted and procrastinating, resisting the temptation to set up a wordpress account so my two blogs (ilurvetoshop and this) can be merged as one again.

I figure posting a new entry takes less time. So here goes! The prowess of my much loved Fuji, which I haven't been exploiting much 'cause I am clueless and am on auto 90% of the time. And of course, plus the best company ever.

The girls! Ting missing in action.
Hope everything's fine already!

Me and 'scheming' MQ. I am beginning to
suspect that I really do have a big face/head.

Geo loves me, and I love her!
And MDS and LRH totally rock. :)
(And yes, my attempt to edit my essay in a noisy ktv pub is totally fruitless.)

Photo whoring!
The MQ pose and our attempts at taking
big eyes shot, acting sexy and acting cute.
(The last 2 are top picks of Geo, her other hot
favourites are act 'dao' and act bored. Heh.)

Our Xi Nu Ai Le. I talked with my boobs. Haha.

A very bad attempt of XNAL from the guys.

And this pic! Simply because Fang looks absolutely
great in this pic and the colour of this pic's so yummy!
I look like some intimidated fan who had just ask for a signature.

Me and my man.

I kinda like this feeling. :)

Monday, April 2, 2007

School blues and love bubbles.

I just wrote a long piece ranting about this project group that's driving me nuts.

Deleted it 'cause I'm feeling much better after complaning twice, once to Xiang and once to Collin. Gee* Sorry, you guys just called me when I am at my piss-iest.

So many things, so little time. Sigh.
I need to work harder and faster.
Good luck to all you poor souls slogging for your exams/tests/quizzes/projects/essays/what-nots. :)

You feel love, breathe love, only because love lies in your heart.
It's a thin line we thread.
When love cease to exist, the 'love bubble' pops and you'll soon realise it has always been air that we're breathing.

It's cute - ugly but adorable!

To say that democracy exists in my house is akin to claiming that meritocracy prevails in Singapore.

A big fallacy.

My dad had nonchalantly said to us earlier that we can design our own rooms. Now, he decided to withdraw, or maybe he 'forgot', that offer and is leaving it all to the designer. He said to me "don't worry, it will be a pleasant surprise". Hmph. Better be.

I mean wokay, I'm not the one footing the bill ultimately but I will be the one who will be living in that room the next 5-6 years at least. Bleah.

My family is also hierarchical, just like how Singapore pretends it isn't patriarchal. It's appalling sometimes but we swallow it to preserve the peace and harmony. It's rojak, not melting pot; and it gets on my nerve. Boo. I should stop whining and talk about happier stuff like..

I got a new camera, Fujifilm FinePix F31 fd!
Thanks CS for his endless advice and having to bear with my constant i-know-it-is-good-but-why-is-it-so-ugly whinings.

He knows he is ugly. So don't make him sad anymore.

Me? I embrace it! You gonna give it to him really. I haven't got round to playing around with the settings. But based on my very limited and surface knowledge of aperture, shutter speed and iso (sorry I failed you, CS), I achieved this! (Yes, no post processing.)

I am not naked btw. It's a tube dress lar.

Nothing too amazing at 1st glance. But if you had seen how dark the room was, you'll be a convert too! We took this under extremely low light condition and the room looks damn bright lar. I swear the room is like 5 times darker than this. No flash either. I don't know how the photo can turned out like that.

I wished the photo can be brighter and more saturated though, like Canon. But wells, you can't have the best of both worlds. Canon probably cannot produce such a photo in the 1st place given such light condition.

You have to see how people rave about this cam. They make it sound like it is the best thing that ever happen to PnS cameras.

"Eeks, but it is uglyyy!"

Now I can flick my hair and say,
"Eeks, you are freaking shallow."

Heh. I am one happy girl. And CS, thanks loads once again!!! Buy you liang teh if you still don't recover by the next time I see you. Heh.

I need an attitude change.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

UG @ Timbre

A simple meetup between 2 members (i.e. Qi and Geo) of the group, plus an innocent catalyst (i.e. Fang) always evolved into a full group (i.e. UG) gathering somewhere.

That of course is insufficient without a procastinator in action (that's yours truly) and several "death" threats from Ting,

"Wah lau, the whole group is here lor. Except for YOU!!!"


Our initial plan to go Rain (some ktv pub) to finish up that half bottle of Chivas didn't came through. And my dear friends were kind enough to go somewhere near SMU 'cause Collin and I were there trying to make me do my essay (double sigh). But I think it is also because they know I wouldn't go if it is somewhere not within walking distance.

So anyway, we ended up at Timbre and I like the place and the lead singer (because he has really angular jaws) and the thin crust pizza (oooh) minus the ants and the mosquitoes.

Everything was the usual. Great chill out session with my favourite people. And a "sibei boliao (in Sam's words)" game between Meiqi (ok, i really rather call you this than 'Qi') and I.

PROJECT S rocks my socks!
(Meiqi!!!! Socks! Sock! Stock! Stocked! Stockings! Stalk! Stalked! Stalking!) Erhem. I can't help it. Hahahahaha.

We are ostracised! Only 3 of us are on this Side of the table.

The other Side of the table, along with Ting and Sam.
That's Six of them.

The couples. :)

(Meiqi! We are reserving a Space for you,
with a much better guy that will come along slowly but surely!)

Shamelessly affectionate folks. Heh.

Random pointless Shots - courtesy of Ting

Joe actually looks quite cute when he's not doing his all funny expressions.

I don't know why I feel motherly in this Shot.

OMG! I have Scheming friends!! Mq likes to lean back to make her head looks Smaller, which effectively made my head 1.5 times bigger than hers in this Shot. -_-"

I tried to lean back on the Second attempt and it caused me to have double chin. Eekksss. I don't know which one is worst - double chin or bigger head. Mq, Scheming!

While I have Some Scheming friends (wahaha), most of my friends are nice.

Some pretend to be nice. Then...

'Nuff Said. Haha.

See you guys at Rain next to finish that Chivas. :)

OH! A final S.


P.S. My Casio served me well last night. Didn't have to do any tweaking on all the above photos. Maybe it knows I am gonna replaced it with a new one soon. (Still trying to convince myself that Fujifilm is not THAT ugly. If I get a Canon or Sony, you can call me shallow.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

my biggest boo boo

omg. things can't get any more embarassing than this.
gimme a hole and i'll plant my head straight into it.

minutes ago, this guy - which i have thought to be my junior from band; which i have been smiling to since last semester; which i spent a good 5 mins talking about everything and anything under the assumption that he is the said junior - just revealed that he is NOT the guy i thought he is.

turns out he is the older brother whom i swear is a splitting image of my junior.

my god. so embarassing!